About Me

Name: Shozoku Sagara
Birthday: January 27th
Country: USA
Hobbies: Airsoft, Anime, Manga, Martial Arts, Models, Survival Skills, Weapons

Originally I’m from Louisiana, and then moved here to Florida about eight years ago now. I enjoy a broad range of interest and I really love everything about Japanese culture. Most of that coming from anime, manga, and gundam models; but not just that there is a lot more about their culture that intrigues me. At some point in my life I hope to move to Japan. When I was there in the ARMY it felt more like the place that I can belong than any of the other places I’ve been around the world. That’s one of my serious goals, I don’t know when or how yet but hopefully I’ll be able to.

My purpose here with this blog/website is just to discuss the things I enjoy doing, or vent my complaints. I’m not that great of a writer or explainer so maybe this can also help me to better those capabilities. I’m thinking possible reviews of various gear I use or buy; or maybe about anime I’m currently watching. If this can turn into something big and grand then that would be awesome. Either way I will surely try to get great things out for everyone just not sure what that may be at this time.